Sexual Health Project


Only 3 out of 10 Public School in US provide comprehensive sex education in high school. The partnership in collaboration with Family Medicine Department at the Health Center, ABCD, and Planned Parenthood League of MA is working to implement sex education curriculum for Middle and Upper School Codman students.

Quick Overview:  

  • Codman Upper School students have access to free resources and services from the Family Medicine Department at the Health Center. 

Over the past three years, several Codman students, (males and females) have benefited from this resource for contraceptives, STD prevention and treatment.  

Planned Parenthood Workshops:

  • Last school year, The Get Real Teen Council (GRTC) from Planned Parenthood of MA, conducted and facilitated comprehensive sexuality education workshops for 9th grade students. The GRTC is a group of dedicated and passionate tenth-twelfth grade peer educators who are trained by Planned Parenthood League education staff to act as ongoing sexual health resources for their peers, families, and communities. 

  • Big thanks to Raika for her support and teamwork in successfully implementing these workshops during Talking Circle/Health Times.

Choosing a Sex Ed Curriculum for the current school year:

Best practices curriculum that is age-appropriate, culturally sensitive, medically accurate, and enables our students to develop the necessary skills to make healthy and responsible decisions throughout their lives. The curriculum is called 3Rs (Right, Respect and Responsibility) by Advocates for Youth earns the most credit! The organization is based in Washington, DC  and is a strong proponent of policies and champion programs that recognize young people’s rights to honest sexual health information; accessible, confidential, and affordable sexual health services; and the resources and opportunities necessary to create sexual health equity for youth.

  • Middle School Instruction: A youth advocate will be providing curriculum instruction for the Middle School and 5th grade students.

  • Parent and Family Communication: A letter explaining the curriculum and the process will be sent to parents during the second week of December. Parents and families will be given a choice to withdraw their student if they would choose to do so.

Health Center Reproductive Health Office Hour: Theresa Kaine, Family Planning Counselor at the Health Center is always there to answer any questions, or provide assistance with resources.

Related Documents:

Parental Permission Letter:

External Resources:

Right Respect and Responsibility

Advocates for Youth

STIs among Youth-CDC